
Showing posts from 2009

Merry Christmas

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas. 'Nuff said.


DO NOT BREATHE!!! Under no circumstances should you breathe. You will emit life killing carbon dioxide. You will kill all life as we know it. Never mind that CO2 is the lifeblood of vegetation like trees, corn, wheat, barley (necessary for beer) and every other form of plant life in the world. The Obama controlled Environmental Protection Administration has ruled that CO2 is harmful to life Here is a sampling of news articles from the web. I tried to get a cross sampling so that I did not appear to be prejudiced. These idiots need to get a life, but this is much larger than any environmental issue. This is about controlling what we do, how we live, what kind of cars we drive, how we heat our homes. It will cost us a fortune if the US signs on to

We the People

Preamble Constitution of the United States of America We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. I have just become involved with an organization called the York 912 Patriots . This organization is based on Glenn Beck's 9.12 Project . The 9.12 Project is based upon 9 Principles and 12 Values. It is my belief that our Founding Fathers would have been proud to share this platform, and in fact, to a large extent did. This is one of hundreds, nay thousands of grassroots organizations engaged actively in taking control of our government and putting this country back on the path that it on

2010 Census Cautions from the Better Business Bureau

I got this information last night, and felt it was definitely worth passing along, even though it seems to be common sense. All BOLD type or Italics is my emphasis. With the U.S. Census process beginning, the Better Business Bureau advises people to be cooperative, but cautious, so as not to become a victim of fraud or identity theft. The first phase of the 2010 U.S. Census is under way as workers have begun verifying the addresses of households across the country. Eventually, more than 140,000 U.S. Census workers will count every person in the United States and will gather information about every person living at each address including name, age, gender, race and other relevant data. The big question is — how do you tell the difference between a U.S. Census worker and a con artist? BBB offers the following advice: If a U.S. Census worker knocks on your door, they will have a badge, a handheld device, a Census Bureau canvas bag, and a confidentiality notice. Ask to see their i

What He Said

I listened intently to President Obama last night. I was tempted to post something right away, but thought better of it. After having a chance to digest what he said, here is my interpretation: Hey all you Al Qaeda & Taliban guys in Afghanistan. If you can lay low for 18 months, I will declare victory and we're outta there. Guess they were the new Muslim friends he referred to in his speech.

Change of Venue

The defense respectfully requests a Change Of Venue due to adverse pretrial publicity and statements made by the President of the United States. My client(s) cannot get a fair trial anywhere in the United States. Stevie Wonder can see this one coming a mile away. Some ACLU scumbag, bottom-feeding, bleeding heart socialist liberal asshole excuse for a lawyer will file a request like this for Khalid Sheik Mohammed and his foreign militant freedom hating band of murderers. Isn’t our criminal justice system a great thing? It can be abused in myriad ways, including by the President of the United States, who as a law school graduate and trained and one time practicing lawyer himself knows, or should know, full well the implications of his statements. Wait, his practice consisted largely of representing ACORN. He DEFENDED criminals, he never prosecuted them. This murde

We Ain't Screwed Yet, BUT

Well, yesterday the Socialists, I mean liberal Democrats bullied and muscled and rammed through HR 3962 , The Affordable Health Care for America Act . This act will purportedly cover an additional 36 million people in the United States, and will not only cost nothing, but will actually lower the federal deficit that our grandchildren will struggle to pay off. Now, I may not be the brightest bulb on the tree, but how in hell do you provide insurance coverage for an additional THIRTY SIX (36) million people and not have it cost more than we are paying now? With our national economy suffering through a recession and unemployment at and above ten (10) percent, this is exactly the right time to burden employers, working people and those others who will face penalties because they do not buy health insurance. Look for higher costs, more taxes, reduced benefits and a government run medical system. The provisions in this 1,990 page socialist manifesto will drive this

POLITICO MAFIOSO: Congressman Franks: 'New' Democrat Health Care Plan Just More of the Same Failed Ideas

This Congressman Franks is NOT Barney Frank . He represents the 2nd Congressional District in the State of Arizona. Click the link: POLITICO MAFIOSO: Congressman Franks: 'New' Democrat Health Care Plan Just More of the Same Failed Ideas

Letter to my Senators. Again

This letter was e-mailed to both of my US Senators today. WE, The People , need to contact our Senators and let them know we oppose any type of government run health care. Do not let them hide this legislation in any way. Make them post it on the internet before voting on it, and make sure there is a Congressional Budget Office cost attached to the bill. Remember, the Democrats who are in charge of both houses of Congress and the White House promised the most open and transparent government in history, and bipartisanship. This bill was crafted behind closed doors, by Democrats only. All opposing parties were excluded. My kind of bipartisanship and transparency. THE LETTER: I see in the news today that Sen Harry Reid has announced the inclusion of a so-called "Public Option" in the Senate Bill currently pending before the United States Senate. I am respectfully requesting that you vote a resounding NO on any health care bill that: 1. Includes a "Public Option"

Obama Threating Press Freedom? -

Click on the link: Obama Threating Press Freedom? - Posted using ShareThis

BAMOPOLY - Need I say More?


Letter to my Senators

There has been ample discussion during the last several months regarding legislation concerning health care in these United States . This letter represents my view and opinion on what is happening in Congress. It is my fear and concern that the United States Senate may pass what some are calling a “ Vapor Bill ”. A Vapor Bill is one with no legislative language that has been inserted as an amendment to a previously passed House bill languishing on the Senate floor, waiting for an opportunity to be used as a shell. I am deeply concerned that members of Congress have lost touch with the reality that the American people do not want more government intrusion into their lives, higher taxes, increased debt or government run health care or continued runaway spending. Therefore, I am respectfully urging you to request that the Senate Clerk read any proposed legislation regarding health care or health care reform in its entirety before any vote is taken, even if it is off

Just a Matter of Time

Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, yesterday gave the most impassioned and logical speech of all of the world "Leaders" who spoke before the United Nations General Assembly. Link to full video on YouTube in 4 parts: Now , before I go any further, let me stated emphatically that in my opinion, the Untied Nations is the most worthless, corrupt and spineless organization in the world. There's lots of barking, but never any bite. All show and no go. A place where ruthless and tyrannical dictators can stand before the world and condemn freedom and democracy. An organization that issues a lot of "Sanctions", but doesn't have the guts to enforce them. An organization that has long ago outlived it's usefulness and intended purpose. Netanyahu got right to the point, countering the idiocy of Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has repeatedly stated that the Holocaust is a lie. Netanyahu went

Football Sunday

This weekend past was the kickoff to the 2009 NFL season. No complaining today, nor any editorials. They'll come later. Watched my PITTSBURGH STEELERS (SIX (6) time Super Bowl Champions) win on Thursday night, Penn State drub Syracuse on Saturday and then tuned into football, football, football yesterday. Because it was Kick Off weekend, Directv offered the NFL Ticket free. Now there's some football watchin' there. Started with the Chiefs vs Ravens, but then went to Minnesota vs Browns. Wanted to see what Favre might do, and it was a good game. That was a good game as the Browns held their own for most of the game. Spent most of the early games watching the Saints and Detroit and Denver & Cincinnati. Wanted to watch Kyle Orton at QB for the Broncos. The Bears sure made out on that trade. Saints looked awesome, but then they played Detroit. Drew Brees threw for 6 TD's. Tonight we all get to see the biggest jerk in the NFL, Terrell Owens and the Bills vs P

new blogger

Thanks, Keith, we have enjoyed your very informative items, and, hope to receice many more. Maybe we can contribute some times. Bev & Fred

Letter to Congress

My Note: I do not know who authored this piece, but it's worthy of being posted here simply because it is so true. To the United States Congress: The U.S. Postal Service was established in 1775 - you have had 234 years to get it right; it is broke. Social Security was established in 1935 - you have had 74 years to get it right; it is broke. Fannie Mae was established in 1938 - you have had 71 years to get it right; it is broke. The "War on Poverty" started in 1964 - you have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the poor"; it hasn't worked and our entire country is broke. Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965 - you've had 44 years to get it right; they are broke. Freddie Mac was established in 1970 - you have had 39 years to get it right; it is broke. Trillions of dollars were spent in the massive political payoffs called TARP, the "Stimulus", the Omnibus Appropriations Ac

Obama is going to help me. Again

Hide your wallets. The Messiah is now going to help you to save money. In his Saturday morning internet address, President Obama announced a plan to help cash strapped Americans, those who actually work and pay taxes – you know the middle class, to “save” money. I read this on CNN’s website so it must be true. After all, isn’t CNN one of the most trusted news organizations in the country? Here’s the link: The Anointed One will allow Americans to receive their income tax refunds in the form of US Savings Bonds. Sounds like a great idea, until you think about it for a minute. Savings bonds (Series EE) are issued at ½ their face value. They take twenty (20) years to mature. The bonds cannot be cashed for a period of one year and , if you cash them in before 5 years you lose the last three (3) months interest, plus pay taxes on the amount. See the informati

An Open Letter to Senator Casey

Below is a letter I wrote to one of my Senators, Robert P. Casey Jr., (D) I received a pre-recorded message from the Senators office on Monday 17 Aug. The message was an invitation to participate in a tele-conference concerning health care reform. I think the letter is self-explanatory. Keith 18 August 2009 The Honorable Senator P. Robert Casey Jr. 393 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Casey: I am writing this letter to thank you for an invitation to participate in a teleconference on health care reform that was to be held on Tuesday 18 August 2009 between the hours of 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM EDT . On 17 August 2009 at 2:56 PM I received a call with a pre-recorded message from you inviting me to participate. The instructions contained in the message were that I would receive a call at 6:00 PM EDT on Tuesday 18 August, and I was to remain on the line to be able to participate. On Tuesday 18 August 2009 I deliberately a

Congressional Air Force

UPDATE: Apparently, some members of both parties in Congress are paying attention. Here is a followup story from the FOX News website: I could find no mention of this on the websites of ABC, CBS, MSNBC or CNN. Two of those sites did however have stories about pre-marital sex. For months the President, Senator Harry Reid and Queen Bee (Speaker of the House) Nancy Pelosi and most liberals have bemoaned the fact that this country is in the greatest economic crisis of all time, nay the greatest economic crisis that will ever befall human kind. We have heard of crisis after economic crisis. Of course, this is all George Bush's fault. Bush does share some of the blame, but not for the single greatest increase in our national debt since 1776. This administration has nationalized the banking industry and two thirds of America's auto industry, and is attempting t

Big Brothers New Address

In a move reminiscent of George Orwell's 1984 , or the Hitler Youth, the White House has established an e-mail address for Americans to "rat out" family, friends, or others with whom they may have had just casual contact. Anyone who disseminates " disinformation " is subject for liberal zealots to send an e-mail to the White House at and let the feds build their enemies list. This address has been widely reported, and even officially put out on the White House Briefing Room - The Blog posted on August 4, 2009 at 6:55 AM. Now, for a moment, I thought this had to be something fishy, pardon the pun. Surely the Annointed One would not stoop to encouraging Americans to become snitches. Fortunately, that moment lasted less than a nano -second. Silly me for even thinking a socialist would not want a network of snitches. I am sorely tempted to send HR 3200 to that e-mail address, but for the fact that any communication to the White House beco


Please check out the following links. The links are the latest .pdf files of pending legislation in the House and Senate. HR 3200 - The health care reform bill in the House of Representatives. 1,017 pages, most of which will not be read before a House vote. America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 The current health care reform bill in the US Senate. 615 pages. I doubt most supporters will read any of them before they vote. Affordable Health Choices Act Now, I will admit that I have not yet completely read either bill from start to finish, but I am going through them as time and energy permit. It is important that we, as Americans have some idea what Big Brother is trying to impose on us, and then if we disagree, contact our elected officials in Washington and let them know what we think. Remember, contrary to the inside the beltway mindset, they work for us , not the other way around. Well, I suppose in theory, or at least according to the Constitution of the United Stat

Cash For Clunkers

I have been intrigued by Big Brothers " Cash for Clunkers " Program. I have also been thinking about trading my 2003 Dodge Ram diesel truck for a new truck. My truck currently has 78,000 miles on it and is in excellent condition. 78K on a Cummins diesel is just broke in, since Cummins projects at least 300,000 miles before a major rebuild, provided proper maintenance is performed. There is nothing wrong with my truck, just a guy thing about having a new set of four wheel drive, Hemi powered wheels. Four wheel drive and Hemi power makes crushing Smart cars and hybrids easy, plus it gives those of us who drive "REAL" cars more room on the road. (a little red neck humor and sarcasm there). Now, I began thinking about that $4,500 "rebate" plus Chrysler's match if I bought another Dodge truck would make perfect sense, plus with the trade in, I'd make a sweetheart deal. For those of you who know me, I am a Dodge truck guy. Haven't bought anyth

Bob Casey's Response

I am posting the response from Senator Bob Casey to my letter to him concerning health care reform. Out of a sense of fairness, I will not comment on what he said other than to say I do not favor socialized medicine, nor increased government intrusion in our lives. Senator Casey's letter, unedited and complete as I received it from his office: Dear Mr. Ressler: Thank you for taking the time to contact me about health care reform. I appreciate hearing from all Pennsylvanians about the issues that matter most to them. We cannot afford to wait any longer to reform America’s health care system. As a member of the United States Senate and of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, I am working with my colleagues and with President Obama to enact meaningful health care reform, with the goal of providing every American with access to high quality, affordable health care. Ensuring the unique health needs of children are met will be a specific priority of mine in health c

A Letter to My Senators

25 July 2008 The Honorable Arlen Specter 711 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510 The Honorable Robert Casey 393 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senators Specter & Casey: The purpose of this correspondence is to address my concerns over HR 3200 and the administrations push towards government run or socialized health care in the United States . I am adamantly opposed to any form of a “ Public Option ” or government involvement in the health care system in the United States . I am not alone as an increasing majority of Americans share the same views. While HR 3200 is a bill in the House of Representatives, some form or fashion of this bill will inexorably work its way to the United States Senate. On behalf of my wife and myself, registered and active voters in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania , I urge both of you to vote NO to any form of government run, government sponsored or government backed health care bill that
JUNE 6, 1944 . Sixty-five years ago this Saturday was D-Day. On this day the liberation of Europe began in earnest with the landings of thousands of American GI's on French soil. On this day, and because of this action Europe was liberated in one year, but at the expense of over 400,000 American lives in the European and Pacific theaters of operation. What did we ask in return? Did the United States liberate Europe in order to expand our boundaries? No. Did the United States liberate Europe in order to force our way of life upon it's citizens? No The United States and her allies liberated Europe from the clenches of a madman who in the end was responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of innocent people who did not fit his definition of a " Master Race ". For all of her sacrifices, what did America ask for? All we asked was for a place to bury those who gave their last full measure of devotion. In the post war years, the United States of America contri

She Said - CIA Said

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi finds herself in a bit of a pickle these days. Seems she can't get her story, I'm sorry, stories straight about what the CIA told her about the " Enhanced Interrogation Techniques " during the years 2002 - 2006. She says the CIA misled her about what they were doing to gleen information from high value detainees. Now I personally have no problem with dunking a captured terrorist in some water to gain useful information to keep this country safe, but it seems those in power do. It worked, so why are we now banning it's use? The debate now is whether or not she will be called before the Senate to testify, under oath, about what she knew and why she did not object then as she objects now. Now that should be some good TV. While listening to the news yesterday I heard one of Pelosi's versions. She said that at the time, and this was in 2006, that her job was not so much national security, but winning the election to ensure the Demo

Chrysler - Mama Mia, Ats Italian

It pains me to write this. I have bought and owned nothing but Chrysler Corporation products, all Dodges and one Jeep, since 1976. I have never had a bad one. Now, this President issued orders to a PRIVATE company, an American icon, to partner with the Italian owned Fiat. Fiat, the mega automaker, is according to the latest statistics I can find is the 8th largest automaker in the world. Of all of the brands under the Fiat umbrella, only two of them are sold in these United States of America. With the Obama administration, the liberals and the environmentalist extreme pushing for Green stuff, like super fuel efficient cars, it does my heart good to see that Fiat exports two super fuel efficient cars to the United States. These two cars are the mega fuel efficient Ferrari (best EPA 2009 rating 11 City / 16 Highway) and Maserati (best EPA rating 11 City / 18 Highway). Well, wait a minute, they also sell the Alfa Romeo 8c here. The 8c is Alfa's muscle car, a 4.7L V-8 engine r

Way Beyond Stupid

H ere’s a really bone headed one for you . The White House decided it needed a photo or two of Air Force One flying by the Statue of Liberty. Now, while this sounds like a nice idea and would make for an impressive photograph, setting aside the almost $329,000 cost in these dire economic times, or as “ The Messiah ” calls it, “Economic Crisis”, this was just plain stupid. Never mind the fact that some sophomore in any high school could have “ Photoshopped ” one for them for free, this goes way beyond stupid. Unless you have lived in a cave anywhere except Afghanistan , where even they know about it because Al Qaeda planned the 9/11 attacks in caves in Afghanistan , you would remember the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 . Well, they are not called terrorist attacks by the Obama administration; they are now called “man caused disasters”. I reckon the terrorists were engaged in their own “ Overseas Contingency Operations ” that day. So, on Monday 27 April 2009, so