We Ain't Screwed Yet, BUT

Well, yesterday the Socialists, I mean liberal Democrats bullied and muscled and rammed through HR 3962, The Affordable Health Care for America Act.

This act will purportedly cover an additional 36 million people in the United States, and will not only cost nothing, but will actually lower the federal deficit that our grandchildren will struggle to pay off.

Now, I may not be the brightest bulb on the tree, but how in hell do you provide insurance coverage for an additional THIRTY SIX (36) million people and not have it cost more than we are paying now?

With our national economy suffering through a recession and unemployment at and above ten (10) percent, this is exactly the right time to burden employers, working people and those others who will face penalties because they do not buy health insurance. Look for higher costs, more taxes, reduced benefits and a government run medical system.

The provisions in this 1,990 page socialist manifesto will drive this country past the breaking point over the next generation. Currently, the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) estimates the cost at approximately $1.3 TRILLION over the next ten years. This includes 10 years of payments by us for 7 years of implementation on the part of government. Simply put – We, The People, pay 10 years for 7 years of product.

I have a simple question; If I am on a fixed income, barely getting by, and have a choice of going to jail or buying health insurance, what would I do? Well, logic tells me that IF I had the money to pay the fine, then I would have already spent it on health insurance. If I cannot afford health insurance, how in hell am I going to pay the fine? Guess I’ll see a lot of new people in jail.

The answer is not what passed the House of Representatives yesterday. The answer is not what may come from the United States Senate. The answer is definitely not any government run sponsored or administered program. The answer lies in the private sector.

We all know that the CBO estimate is far too optimistic. The amount of waste, cost over runs, bureaucracies and their government jobs created and earmarks that will be added to any bill will surely drive the total 10 year cost into multiple trillions of dollars. The cost after the first 10 years will soar to amounts we can only imagine.

Of course, all of this assumes (and we all know what happens when one assumes) that the estimated 15 to 20 million illegal immigrants now in this country do not get amnesty, which if the socialists, I mean liberal Democrats, in Washington have their way will surely happen. Get used to it.

What we need to do, collectively, is to call, write, e-mail, fax or all of the above our elected representatives in Washington and remind them that WE, The People, oppose government run health care. Reminding them that 2010 is an election year might not be a bad idea. Every member of the House and 1/3 of the US Senate is up for re-election in 2010. If you do not know who your elected representatives are, shame on you. In any event, click here to find out.

It is not too late to act. The bill the house passed yesterday has to be reconciled with the Senate bill and then a compromise reached between both houses. We have time to act, but we need to act in unison.

It’s time to Put Up or Shut Up.


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