Letter to my Senators. Again

This letter was e-mailed to both of my US Senators today. WE, The People, need to contact our Senators and let them know we oppose any type of government run health care. Do not let them hide this legislation in any way. Make them post it on the internet before voting on it, and make sure there is a Congressional Budget Office cost attached to the bill.

Remember, the Democrats who are in charge of both houses of Congress and the White House promised the most open and transparent government in history, and bipartisanship. This bill was crafted behind closed doors, by Democrats only. All opposing parties were excluded. My kind of bipartisanship and transparency.


I see in the news today that Sen Harry Reid has announced the inclusion of a so-called "Public Option" in the Senate Bill currently pending before the United States Senate.

I am respectfully requesting that you vote a resounding NO on any health care bill that:

1. Includes a "Public Option" in any way, shape or form;
2. Is not posted on the internet for a period of five (5) working days for all Americans to see and read;
3. Does not include all applicable legislative language;
4. Does not have a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) analysis and estimated cost attached

The overwhelming majority of Americans DO NOT support government run health care, and it is my expectation that you would not support it either.

I thank you for your attention to my request.


Keith J. Ressler

Registered and active voter with a long memory, a blog site, and a dedicated mission to encourage everyone I know, and some I don't, to vote out any Senator or Representative who violates his/her oath of office, does not support and defend the Constitution of the United States and/or does not represent the wishes of his/her constituents.


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