
Showing posts from April, 2010

Medium Rare

As I type this I am wondering just how naive BHO, The Anointed One really is. He is deliberately weakening our defenses by limiting the use of nuclear weapons, even if we are attacked. Not only that, he is freakin' advertising to our enemies when we can and cannot use them. If the United States is attacked by someone, let's say an Islamic extremist, oops, we can't say that anymore, I mean a terrorist. Damn, that word is taboo also. Well anyhow, if someone conducting their own Overseas Contingency Operation (formerly known as a Terrorist Attack) just happens to expose 500,000 to 1,000,000 American citizens to some chemical or biological agent which proves lethal beyond their expectations, America will NOT respond by turning those conducting said Overseas Contingency Operation (formerly known as a Terrorist Attack) into crispy critters via a handy dandy nuclear device delivered precisely to their front door via a made in the USA GPS guided delivery system. Now don't g