Just a Matter of Time

Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, yesterday gave the most impassioned and logical speech of all of the world "Leaders" who spoke before the United Nations General Assembly. Link to full video on YouTube in 4 parts: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44HkjBDQz_k

Now, before I go any further, let me stated emphatically that in my opinion, the Untied Nations is the most worthless, corrupt and spineless organization in the world. There's lots of barking, but never any bite. All show and no go. A place where ruthless and tyrannical dictators can stand before the world and condemn freedom and democracy. An organization that issues a lot of "Sanctions", but doesn't have the guts to enforce them. An organization that has long ago outlived it's usefulness and intended purpose.

Netanyahu got right to the point, countering the idiocy of Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has repeatedly stated that the Holocaust is a lie. Netanyahu went after the nations who sat through his inflammatory and anti-Semitic ramblings by asking them - "Have you no shame?, Have you no decency?". He criticized them for giving legitimacy to a madman who would return the world to a 9th century mentality and way of life. He stated that the worst of all possible scenarios would be the marriage of 9th century fanaticism with 21st century weapons of mass destruction.

Everybody in the world knows that Iran is pursuing nuclear technology, in this case, Weapons. Ahmadinejad has repeatedly called for the destruction of the State of Israel. When, not if he successfully develops the technology to create and successfully deliver nuclear weapons, he will undoubtedly follow through on his threats. It is just a matter of time.

Netanyahu stated his case eloquently and concisely, without bravado or self indulgence. He asked that the UN step up to the plate and work towards the goal of ridding Iran once and for all of it's nuclear program.

Now, we find out that Iran has had to divulge the existence of another nuclear processing facility, but only because of the efforts of western intelligence. It's kind of like "What cookie jar" after getting caught.

Israel has had to fight for its existence since th UN gave them their homeland back after World War II. Time and time again, they have fought off their enemies in order to survive. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that they will do whatever is necessary, whatever it takes to defend themselves against a nuclear armed Iran.

Israel asked the United States for state of the art "Bunker Buster" bombs, and was refused. Israel asked for permission to over fly Iraq, and was refused. Israel has asked the United Nations to step up to the plate and stop Iran from it's nuclear pursuits, but will be turned down. No, Israel and Netanyahu will flat out be ignored by the United Nations and it's member countries, including the Barack Obama led United States of America.

Make no mistake about it, Israel which historically has been our only and strongest ally in the Mideast, or anywhere for that matter, has been snubbed and criticized by the Obama administration. Israel will defend itself against a nuclear armed Iran. The consequences will be enormous, not only in the middle east, but world wide. Thought the price of oil was high last year? Just wait. Think this recession was bad? Just wait. I do not even want to contemplate the casualties that will become a horrific reality.

All it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing. There are good and freedom loving leaders in this world. They need to step up and prevent what is inevitable if Iran is allowed to pursue the development and delivery of nuclear weapons. It is just a matter of time.


  1. Keith, You are right on!! Netanyahu's speech to the worthless United Nations was powerful and direct. All Israel wants is it's little corner of the world. It seems that the rest of the world is against it, and, now, even the United States, with it's spineless president, has turned luke warm. I just hope and PRAY, that the American people wake up, before it is too late.


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