What He Said

I listened intently to President Obama last night. I was tempted to post something right away, but thought better of it. After having a chance to digest what he said, here is my interpretation:

Hey all you Al Qaeda & Taliban guys in Afghanistan. If you can lay low for 18 months, I will declare victory and we're outta there.

Guess they were the new Muslim friends he referred to in his speech.


  1. WOW!! Did you hit the nail on the head!! About 45 minutes about what HE wants, what HE does, and, what HE is going to do. AS COMMANDER & CHIEF, He is, very quickly, turning OUR COUNTRY over to the enemies! GOD SAVE & BLESS OUR COUNTRY. Bev

  2. I thought that if you wanted to defeat an enemy, you don't tell him, when, where, how many, how long. We continue to not just "tip" our hand, but expose the whole plan of assault which the media is very happy to communicate to our enemies. I just can't believe our Country has reached this level of stupidity.

  3. lets see here...first it was him him him..and what he will do..damm what about us americans..how much will it cost to put more military there just to pull them back out in 18 months..of course he will declare victory..hey terrorist hang in there we will only br there for awhile then its all yours..god save america


  4. Perhaps you could tune in with both ears. You're smarter than your comments indicate. The surge of troops will only last 18 months, the troops that are there now stay there until the commanders on the ground say they leave. Every major military commander in CENTCOM and the Joint Chiefs of Staff backs the plan, not because they have to, but because they know that it is not guns and bombs that wins the war in Afghanistan, but a cultural exchange of understanding with the Afghan people. Perhaps taking the time to understand the culture of Afghanistan would do Americans some good. They will teach us far more than we can impart on them. Education is the key to victory and it goes both ways.


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