
Showing posts from 2011

Obama's Great Adventure

So, President Obama arbitrarily declares war on Libya.   Well, not exactly declares, kinda just starts bombing the hell out of it.  And he doesn't call it "war", which is exactly what it is.  To our Dear Leader and his liberal ilk it is a kinetic military exercise.  Now, If some foreign country, say Venezuela or Cuba launched over a hundred cruise missiles into the continental United States, you can bet your sweet ass THAT would be an act of war.  Wait, that would be a man caused disaster according to the Obama administration. THEN , Dear Leader goes on national TV and proudly says how HE led a coalition of allies to avert a humanitarian crisis (which has not yet happened), and how HE led the way.  If my memory is correct, I think Dear Leader FOLLOWED England and France, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and others into this mess, and that was after waffling for a couple of weeks Nobody, but nobody knows what the mission is.  Nobody knows what we're supposed to be do