
Showing posts from August, 2009

An Open Letter to Senator Casey

Below is a letter I wrote to one of my Senators, Robert P. Casey Jr., (D) I received a pre-recorded message from the Senators office on Monday 17 Aug. The message was an invitation to participate in a tele-conference concerning health care reform. I think the letter is self-explanatory. Keith 18 August 2009 The Honorable Senator P. Robert Casey Jr. 393 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Casey: I am writing this letter to thank you for an invitation to participate in a teleconference on health care reform that was to be held on Tuesday 18 August 2009 between the hours of 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM EDT . On 17 August 2009 at 2:56 PM I received a call with a pre-recorded message from you inviting me to participate. The instructions contained in the message were that I would receive a call at 6:00 PM EDT on Tuesday 18 August, and I was to remain on the line to be able to participate. On Tuesday 18 August 2009 I deliberately a

Congressional Air Force

UPDATE: Apparently, some members of both parties in Congress are paying attention. Here is a followup story from the FOX News website: I could find no mention of this on the websites of ABC, CBS, MSNBC or CNN. Two of those sites did however have stories about pre-marital sex. For months the President, Senator Harry Reid and Queen Bee (Speaker of the House) Nancy Pelosi and most liberals have bemoaned the fact that this country is in the greatest economic crisis of all time, nay the greatest economic crisis that will ever befall human kind. We have heard of crisis after economic crisis. Of course, this is all George Bush's fault. Bush does share some of the blame, but not for the single greatest increase in our national debt since 1776. This administration has nationalized the banking industry and two thirds of America's auto industry, and is attempting t

Big Brothers New Address

In a move reminiscent of George Orwell's 1984 , or the Hitler Youth, the White House has established an e-mail address for Americans to "rat out" family, friends, or others with whom they may have had just casual contact. Anyone who disseminates " disinformation " is subject for liberal zealots to send an e-mail to the White House at and let the feds build their enemies list. This address has been widely reported, and even officially put out on the White House Briefing Room - The Blog posted on August 4, 2009 at 6:55 AM. Now, for a moment, I thought this had to be something fishy, pardon the pun. Surely the Annointed One would not stoop to encouraging Americans to become snitches. Fortunately, that moment lasted less than a nano -second. Silly me for even thinking a socialist would not want a network of snitches. I am sorely tempted to send HR 3200 to that e-mail address, but for the fact that any communication to the White House beco


Please check out the following links. The links are the latest .pdf files of pending legislation in the House and Senate. HR 3200 - The health care reform bill in the House of Representatives. 1,017 pages, most of which will not be read before a House vote. America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 The current health care reform bill in the US Senate. 615 pages. I doubt most supporters will read any of them before they vote. Affordable Health Choices Act Now, I will admit that I have not yet completely read either bill from start to finish, but I am going through them as time and energy permit. It is important that we, as Americans have some idea what Big Brother is trying to impose on us, and then if we disagree, contact our elected officials in Washington and let them know what we think. Remember, contrary to the inside the beltway mindset, they work for us , not the other way around. Well, I suppose in theory, or at least according to the Constitution of the United Stat

Cash For Clunkers

I have been intrigued by Big Brothers " Cash for Clunkers " Program. I have also been thinking about trading my 2003 Dodge Ram diesel truck for a new truck. My truck currently has 78,000 miles on it and is in excellent condition. 78K on a Cummins diesel is just broke in, since Cummins projects at least 300,000 miles before a major rebuild, provided proper maintenance is performed. There is nothing wrong with my truck, just a guy thing about having a new set of four wheel drive, Hemi powered wheels. Four wheel drive and Hemi power makes crushing Smart cars and hybrids easy, plus it gives those of us who drive "REAL" cars more room on the road. (a little red neck humor and sarcasm there). Now, I began thinking about that $4,500 "rebate" plus Chrysler's match if I bought another Dodge truck would make perfect sense, plus with the trade in, I'd make a sweetheart deal. For those of you who know me, I am a Dodge truck guy. Haven't bought anyth

Bob Casey's Response

I am posting the response from Senator Bob Casey to my letter to him concerning health care reform. Out of a sense of fairness, I will not comment on what he said other than to say I do not favor socialized medicine, nor increased government intrusion in our lives. Senator Casey's letter, unedited and complete as I received it from his office: Dear Mr. Ressler: Thank you for taking the time to contact me about health care reform. I appreciate hearing from all Pennsylvanians about the issues that matter most to them. We cannot afford to wait any longer to reform America’s health care system. As a member of the United States Senate and of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, I am working with my colleagues and with President Obama to enact meaningful health care reform, with the goal of providing every American with access to high quality, affordable health care. Ensuring the unique health needs of children are met will be a specific priority of mine in health c