
Showing posts from April, 2009

Way Beyond Stupid

H ere’s a really bone headed one for you . The White House decided it needed a photo or two of Air Force One flying by the Statue of Liberty. Now, while this sounds like a nice idea and would make for an impressive photograph, setting aside the almost $329,000 cost in these dire economic times, or as “ The Messiah ” calls it, “Economic Crisis”, this was just plain stupid. Never mind the fact that some sophomore in any high school could have “ Photoshopped ” one for them for free, this goes way beyond stupid. Unless you have lived in a cave anywhere except Afghanistan , where even they know about it because Al Qaeda planned the 9/11 attacks in caves in Afghanistan , you would remember the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 . Well, they are not called terrorist attacks by the Obama administration; they are now called “man caused disasters”. I reckon the terrorists were engaged in their own “ Overseas Contingency Operations ” that day. So, on Monday 27 April 2009, so

Time for Specter to go

Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter, who was a RINO (Republican in Name Only) yesterday announced that he was switching his political affiliation to the Democratic Party. This defection should not come as much of a surprise. While Specter is often called a “Moderate” Republican, he sealed his fate in Pennsylvania when he voted for the Obama Stimulus Plan earlier this year. Specter conducted his own polling and discovered that he could not win a Republican primary election in Pennsylvania when he runs for his sixth term in 2010. So, in order to ensure his comfortable position as a US Senator, he switched parties. Surprise, surprise, another career politician does what he has to do to stay in office. This switch was a pure and simple calculation on his part. In my humble opinion, Specter needs to learn a lesson in the representation of his constituents. Despite public opinion against the “Stimulus Package”, Specter voted for it. So much for “fiercely representing the residents of

Tea Parties explained and more

When I started this blog, I decided that I would write my own stuff. However, every now and again something comes along that is just too profound to pass up. I got an e-mail with the following piece from Tom Olsen, a friend of mine, and like me, a retired cop. Thanks Tom for sharing it. When I read it, and then re-read it, it put into words why the American people are fed up with the Federal government, and more to the point, explained clearly and concisely the philosophy behind the growing grass roots movement from which came the Tax Day Tea Parties. The American people are becoming increasingly disgruntled with out of control government and the lunacy of the spending that Congress is authorizing right now. The debt is out of control, government is growing by leaps and bounds with a new " Czar " of something or another being appointed every week while the little guy - you and me - is taking in it the shorts. I guess this piece re-affirms my core conservative values, and
I decided to start this so I had a public forum in which to express my opinions about where this country is going, what is right and what needs fixed. I sent invitations to a number of folks, and asked them to contribute their thoughts as well. We shall see what happens. I will forewarn everyone of one fact: I am an American first, and a Conservative second. My political party affiliation is currently Republican, but seeing what is happening today, ain't too sure I will stay with them unless the party returns to its core values of conservatism, morality and fiscal responsibility. Seems they forgot what Ronald Reagan did, and more important - that it worked. I will state up front that free speech is respected, whether I agree with it or not. That is one of the RIGHTS granted to us, as Americans, in the Constitution of the United States. The opinions that I express are mine, and mine alone, and I firmly believe them to be correct. You can add yours, and I am hoping that this t