Letter to my Senators

There has been ample discussion during the last several months regarding legislation concerning health care in these United States. This letter represents my view and opinion on what is happening in Congress.

It is my fear and concern that the United States Senate may pass what some are calling a “Vapor Bill”. A Vapor Bill is one with no legislative language that has been inserted as an amendment to a previously passed House bill languishing on the Senate floor, waiting for an opportunity to be used as a shell.

I am deeply concerned that members of Congress have lost touch with the reality that the American people do not want more government intrusion into their lives, higher taxes, increased debt or government run health care or continued runaway spending.

Therefore, I am respectfully urging you to request that the Senate Clerk read any proposed legislation regarding health care or health care reform in its entirety before any vote is taken, even if it is offered as an amendment to a House Bill (e.g. HR 1586) before the floor for a vote. Every Senator has the ability to make such a request, and this will allow the American people to actually see what is being voted on.

Additionally, I am requesting that any legislation approved, be posted on the internet for a period of five (5) business days prior to any vote being taken.

This administration and this Congress have repeatedly promised transparency. What I am asking for is to see the legislation prior to it being imposed on me and the taxpayers of the United States of America.


Keith J. Ressler, a registered and active voter


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