The 2nd Amendment in Obama's 2nd Term

I posted on Facebook the other day to expect an all-out assault on the 2nd Amendment.  I stand by that post.  I fully expect that my conservative, gun owning friends will support me on this.  I also fully expect those on the liberal side to berate me for saying what I am about to say.  Some of those liberals are my friends.  Hopefully, they will remain my friends.  Some of them own guns, too. 

I see to today that Sen Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) once again wants to propose outlawing "Assault Rifles", whatever they are according to her definition, high capacity magazines, pistol grips, and a plethora of other legislation aimed at taking away a constitutionally guaranteed right.  ( I say a right, because the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America says it is a right.  Expect other Democrats, notably Sen Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to throw support behind a bill if it is introduced.

Anyone who knows Feinstein and Schumer knows they are avowed anti-gunners.

The Obama administration, during its 1st term reversed long standing US policy and entered into discussions on the UN Small Arms Control Treaty

(  It has done so again since winning re-election (  Personally, I think the United States should immediately withdraw from the United Nations, but that is another post.  The United Nations has no legal authority over citizens of the United States, and should never have any type of control or authority over Americans under any circumstance, including a Zombie apocalypse.

Barack Obama did not press for gun control legislation much at all during his 1st term, knowing it could be a death knell for re-election.  Few issues today spark as much controversy as taking away a constitutionally guaranteed right from hard working, proud Americans.

As I write this 51 US Senators have signed onto objecting to, and rejecting US ratification of this treaty, should the UN pass it.  Whether the number remains at 51 since the election remains to be seen.  For this gun grabbing United Nations Treaty to affect the US, it must be ratified by the US Senate.

Given the recent mass victim shootings in Aurora, Colorado and others in the US, the anti-gunners have cranked up the pressure.  

We do not need more gun, specifically anti-gun, laws in this country.  What we do need is to enforce the myriad of gun laws already on the books.  We need prosecutors across the country to stop plea bargains on crimes committed with firearms.  We need prosecutors to demand judges impose mandatory sentencing provisions already on the books in many states when criminals commit crimes while using firearms.  In Pennsylvania, the sentencing enhancement provision in the Crimes Code is a MAY provision.  While it carries an additional 5 years in prison, judges are not required to impose it, because it is a MAY, not SHALL provision.  (

When gun control, or rather gun confiscation legislation is introduced, we need to write, e-mail, fax and call our elected representatives and urge them to oppose it.  I have contacted both Senators Casey and Toomey asking them to oppose the UN Small Arms Treaty if it comes before them.  I also respectfully told them that in the event they vote to support it, I will do everything within my power to unseat them in the next election.

I heard several female co-workers today (08 Nov 2012) talking about the need to buy guns and ammunition now, because they fear the right to private gun ownership is about to be seriously restricted.  I was kind of surprised, but among those female coworkers were US Military veterans.

I don’t subscribe to fear and panic philosophies.  I tend to look for more reasoned informations.  I am not saying that we are about to lose our rights to gun ownership tomorrow.  What I am saying is that we need to be very aware.  The current political climate does not favor individual ownership of firearms.  The current administration no longer has to worry about re-election, and has shown by their past actions that they don’t care and have no qualms about who gets thrown under the bus. 

Operation Fast & Furious, the failed Department of Justice gun walking operation began, in my humble opinion, as an operation to “Walk” guns illegally into Mexico with the under lying intent of imposing anti-gun laws using the DOJ backed straw purchases as “Proof” that guns were being illegally sold in border states to persons who could not legally own said guns.  My humble opinion is backed by others who are in better positions to know than I.  The administration has stonewalled Congressional inquiries into this operation, including the imposition of “Executive Privilege” by the President of the United States.  We may never know the truth about this operation.

Let us separate the wheat from the chaff lest we panic, and create a stir using social media.  Please let cooler heads prevail.  But if, or more specifically when, our rights are assaulted, we need to be quick to react.  It is our right, and duty, as American citizens to protect this country.  Some of us took an oath to defend this country from all enemies, foreign and domestic.  Let us hope that our rights continue to be protected.  Then we can focus together, all of us, on getting America back on her feet.

Remember this; Gun control is not about guns.  It is about  control.

May God Bless our great country and protect her people.

Semper paratus. 
Semper Fidelis.


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