My Rant for 28 November 2012

My Rant for 28 November
It's time for The Republican Party to stand up and grow a set of balls.

I posted a short note on Facebook earlier today (28 Nov 12) that I am seriously considering changing my political affiliation to Libertarian.  I could also end up an Independent.  Basically I am tired of the Republican Party that I grew up with that seems to have lost its spine.  Sometimes I think they also lost their brain, or at least their common sense.

Today the Republicans seem to chase anything that the Marxist Obama administration throws out into the public forum.  They are reactive instead of proactive.

As we approach the "Fiscal Cliff", President Obama is back on the campaign trail, blaming Congress, blaming Republicans and everyone else except himself.  This President has not led on one single thing since he was first elected in 2008.  He has never led on anything in his entire life.  My opinion; go over the cliff and MAKE the President and the Democrats OWN the mess.

Once upon a time, the Republican Party stood for something.  Today, I have no idea what they stand for.  Today’s Republican Party spends more time defending this, that and anything else rather than Defining who they are, what they stand for and where they are going.  Today’s Republican Party seems to be adrift until Obama throws a decoy out there for them to chase.

I want to find a political party that actually believes in:
1.     The United States of America
2.     The Constitution of the United States of America
3.     The Bill of Rights to the Constitution of the Unites States of America.
4.    Common Sense
5.    The average American citizen.
6.    Securing our borders.  I mean REALLY securing our borders.
7.    A Balanced Budget
8.    A strong military and a strong national defense and strong foreign policy.
9.    Defending and supporting our allies and stop kissing our enemies asses.
10.  Recognizing that radical Islam is the #1 threat to the entire world.

There are many issues today that the Republican Party should be demanding answers to instead of waffling and wandering about aimlessly.  Benghazi and Fast & Furious come to mind immediately.  Stand up and grow a set of balls.  Quit whining and defend America.  TELL America what you stand for, and dammit, be proud of telling America what you stand for.  DEFINE the Republican Party.  DEFINE your goals for America, and your Mission Statement.

Quit worrying about the next election and whose ass you have to kiss to get re-elected.  BE the citizen representatives that our Founding Fathers envisioned.

America has become a “Give Me” society.  Stand up to the Liberals and demand change.  Better yet, beat their asses in the next election and change America.  This Republic was not built on food stamps, unemployment checks and government handouts.  It was built on, and can only be preserved by, hard work, personal responsibility and individual accountability.

The current Republican House has submitted budgets every year for the last four years.  The Democratic controlled Senate has not.  The budgets submitted by the president have been unanimously voted down.  Not one vote supporting his budgets.  Not even one Democrat voted for his budgets.  The result is the United States of America has operated without a budget for the last four years.  Why?  Because the Democrats who control the Senate and the White House are more concerned about getting re-elected, retaining power and turning America into Greece than saving our Republic.  To them it is all about power, it is about control, and it is about making more Americans dependent on government so as to secure votes to keep them in power, and thus far, the Republicans have not stood up to them and demanded action.  Make some damn noise about this!  Yell, stomp your feet, buy airtime and tell America that the Democrats are doing exactly nothing about our budget, or more specifically, lack thereof.

Maybe my switching political affiliations will have zero impact.  In the overall scheme of things, it probably will have zero impact, except the York County Republican Committee will have to find a new committeeman for Dover Township, precinct #2.  Maybe if 150,000,000 Americans became Libertarians of Independents, it just might send a message to the wimps in leadership positions in the Republican Party.  AND the Democratic party. 

In order to beat the Democrats you have to have an actual plan.  In order to beat the Democrats, you have to nominate a viable candidate.  In order to beat the Democrats you have to stand up for American values.  You cannot continue to chase the decoys the Obama administration keeps throwing out.  And there also has to be a plan to bring America back to the greatness we once had.

WAKE UP AMERICA!  Wake up Republican leadership.  Grow a set of balls.

This has been my rant for the day.

That is all.  Carry on.


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