I decided to start this so I had a public forum in which to express my opinions about where this country is going, what is right and what needs fixed. I sent invitations to a number of folks, and asked them to contribute their thoughts as well. We shall see what happens.

I will forewarn everyone of one fact:
I am an American first, and a Conservative second. My political party affiliation is currently Republican, but seeing what is happening today, ain't too sure I will stay with them unless the party returns to its core values of conservatism, morality and fiscal responsibility. Seems they forgot what Ronald Reagan did, and more important - that it worked.

I will state up front that free speech is respected, whether I agree with it or not. That is one of the RIGHTS granted to us, as Americans, in the Constitution of the United States.

The opinions that I express are mine, and mine alone, and I firmly believe them to be correct. You can add yours, and I am hoping that this thing takes off. Time will tell.

The first thing that I want to express is my firm belief that WE, the People, need to establish TERM LIMITS for members of Congress. They will not do it, so let us exercise our God given RIGHT to vote and do it for them.

There are way too many "Career" politicians in Congress today. They do as they want, failing to realize that they work for us. They are in Congress for self gratification and for what they can get for themselves, failing to realize that there are those of us thinking Americans, who will hold them accountable for their notable failures. Most of them never had a real job. Spending is out of control, and my great grandchildren will be paying off the debt this Congress created. Democrats or Republicans, they failed us as a country. Primary elections will roll around before we know it, so let us - WE the People, establish our own term limits and vote against every incumbent member of Congress running for re-election. Let us vote in people who will represent us, those who will put country first, and realize that they will have a limited amount of time in which to do it because WE will hold their feet to the fire for the limited time they serve us.

Not sure what you all think, but I am fed up with irresponsible representation.


  1. Wonder why our Forefathers established term limits for the U.S. President , perhaps they felt power corrupts more often than not.
    However, I do not see our elected officials voting for term limits,( In essence to eliminate their jobs.)
    I agree with the need for term limits, With some few exceptions, Our legislators have decided WE THE PEOPLE are not familiar or versed sufficiently to make informed decisions, Therefore, They ( Our Elite) representatives have decided they need to make those decisions on our behalf and contrary to our desires, because we the people are just too ill advised , incompetent and uninformed to understand. Even though it may be contrary to the Majority wishes of their consistency who elected them to represent their interest.
    Our founding fathers established a democratic electoral process in order to allow WE THE PEOPLE to vote these representatives out of office, Unfortunately to many of us fail to exercise that right.
    Perhaps during these current times which this country has not seen for decades, WE THE PEOPLE will now finally realize a very strong message must be sent to those who have abused their power and authority by exercising our right to remove them from office at election.


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