Time for Specter to go

Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter, who was a RINO (Republican in Name Only) yesterday announced that he was switching his political affiliation to the Democratic Party. This defection should not come as much of a surprise. While Specter is often called a “Moderate” Republican, he sealed his fate in Pennsylvania when he voted for the Obama Stimulus Plan earlier this year.

Specter conducted his own polling and discovered that he could not win a Republican primary election in Pennsylvania when he runs for his sixth term in 2010. So, in order to ensure his comfortable position as a US Senator, he switched parties. Surprise, surprise, another career politician does what he has to do to stay in office. This switch was a pure and simple calculation on his part. In my humble opinion, Specter needs to learn a lesson in the representation of his constituents. Despite public opinion against the “Stimulus Package”, Specter voted for it. So much for “fiercely representing the residents of Pennsylvania” as VP Joe Biden said this morning at a news conference with Specter and President Obama.

Specter need to be voted out of office, pure and simple. Pennsylvania citizens need and deserve a US Senator who will serve them, not himself. Pennsylvania citizens need and deserve a US Senator who will put the United States of America and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ahead of their personal ambitions.

Was there a deal struck in order to get Specter to defect? Who knows, but Joe Biden said he has been courting Specter for six years. Others in positions of power in the Democratic Party have also courted him.

Here’s the deal in my mind; On Sunday the Democrats held 58 seats in the Senate. There is a chance that Al Franken, the whack job liberal may win the Minnesota Senate seat when all of the court challenges are finished. The Democrats need 60 votes to get a filibuster proof majority. They sought out the weak link in the Republican Party, Arlen Specter, who voted with them 40% of the time. Get Specter and you have 60 votes. Sounds like their plan worked.

How much pressure was exerted on Specter we do not know, at least I don’t know. I would look for him to end up with a plum seat of two on a couple of prestigious Senate committees though; that is just how politics works.

The citizens of Pennsylvania have until the primaries in 2010 to find a competent candidate on the Republican ticket. We need a candidate who can win the primary handily, and then win Specter’s seat in the Senate in November. People are getting tired of politics as usual, which by the way something that then candidate Obama was promising to change. We all know what happens to campaign promises. A campaign promise and $4.65 will get you the large sized white chocolate mocha with whipped cream on top at the local Starbucks. I don’t drink them; I like my coffee real and black.
It is time for Arlen Specter to go. It is time for him to return to Philadelphia and collect that exorbitant pension, complete with all the bells and whistles benefits that Congress gives themselves. I imagine he could even afford season tickets to the Phillies on that. Might give him something to do.

NOTE: Please take notice that I have not referred to the President of The United States as “The Messiah” one time since I started this Blog. I will continue to make an effort to continue that, unless of course I get really pissed off about something like illegal immigration, uncontrolled spending, the creation of deficits that my great grandchildren will not be able to pay off, releasing classified national security documents, cutting defense spending when we are at war or the uncontrolled and massive expansion of government control over our lives. Not bad for his first 100 days.

Wait, I AM pissed off about that stuff. Aren’t you?


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