COVID & Communism

The COVID virus has proven to be a blessing for the communists ruling America.  Formerly known as Democrats, Liberals, Progressives and/or Democratic Socialists these communists are coming out into the open and have capitalized on a virus created in a Chinese lab, to further divide & conquer America without firing a shot.  Nikita Khrushchev was right in 1959; communists would take America with firing a shot.

The communists, “led” by a dementia afflicted, spineless, corrupt, career politician that is barely able to string enough words together to form some semblance of a sentence, who was put into office specifically because he has no idea of what’s going on, and is easily manipulated by the other communists who are trying to figure out how to get the person they really want into the White House and make it appear to be legitimate and “in the best interests of the Country”.

This guy, along with his apparatchik, seeking to destroy this Republic have used the COVID virus to drive people from their places of employment through the use of unconstitutional “Mandates” and equally unconstitutional Executive Orders because people stand up for their right of self-determination.  Police officers, firefighters, nurses, doctors, others in the healthcare profession, teachers, people who work for companies that have more than 100 employees, people who work for government contractors, people in the travel & service industries and others too numerous to name are losing their jobs because they do not wish to be forcefully vaccinated.  America is rapidly becoming a country where her citizens will have to have “Papers” in order to work, shop, travel and otherwise live their lives.

This administration, in the space of nine months, has transformed America from an energy independent nation that experienced an abundance of fuel and the lowest prices in decades as well as being a world leading exporter of gas and oil to a country once again dependent upon our enemies to supply us with gas and oil at above market prices.  This administration, in the space of nine months, has transformed America from THE world super power to a nation that does what our enemies want us to do.  This administration, in the space of nine months, has alienated many of our allies and once again is “leading from behind”.  This administration, in the space of nine months, has transformed a booming economy into an economy of shortages of supplies and necessities along with rapidly increasing inflation.  This, and more, is being done in order to turn America into a socialist state.

This communist government is intent on creating a cradle to grave welfare-dependent society, ruled by liberal elitists.  In their world there would be two classes, the ruling elitists and the proletariat who would be dependent upon government for everything necessary for survival.

This is the same government that has declared that the police are the enemy and criminals are heores, and along with their willing accomplices in the mainstream media have waged war on the police since Barack Obama fired the first shot against them in 2009.

These communists have leveraged the differences amongst Americans against America. The communists have divided the country by pitting the vaccinated against the unvaccinated.  They have pitted white against black against brown against Asians, openly encouraged anti-Semitism, fostered hatred between economic classes and ethnic groups in the country without shame.  These communists have determined that the rule of law is evil and that evil is good.  They have determined that those who work and succeed are the oppressors of those who do not work, those of differing ethnic backgrounds and those who have entered this Republic illegally.  In our schools, children are being taught to hate based on the color of one’s skin.  In our universities, segregation is hailed as being good. 

The communists in our government have ripped open our border, not only allowing, but tacitly encouraging hundreds of thousand, if not millions, to enter our country simply by walking across the border or wading across a river.  They do so, knowing that they “government” will release these people into society, they give them money, housing and free healthcare with the end result being millions of new “voters” who will always vote for their caregivers, regardless of any consequences, thus ensuring communist rule under the name of the Democratic party.

America needs to wake up.  Americans need to take back our Republic.  Americans need to put America first again.  Americans need to, and deserve to be governed by those who follow the Constitution.  Americans need to elect those, regardless of political affiliation, who will actually serve their constituents, not line their own pockets.  Americans need to be Americans, united and strong.

That is all. 

For now.


Apparently, someone else agrees with my belief.


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