The Great Gun Control Debate of 2013

As of this date, 09 January 2013, the leftist administration with the backing of the boot licking mainstream media, Hollywood hypocrites and liberal elitists are clamoring to take away the guns of Americans.

Before I go any further, let me say that the school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School was a tragic act and a heinous crime committed by an individual with mental health issues, who murdered the legal owner of the guns used, his own mother, and then stole the firearms.  Nobody, but nobody should ever harm little kids.  However, evil and mentally unbalanced people have no qualms about who they hurt.  The only good thing this shooter did was blowing his own brains out.

The ambush killings of fire fighters in Webster, NY were the cowardly act of a convicted felon who was not legally allowed to own firearms, but got them anyway.  This nut job also had mental health issues.  This asshole also spread his brains over an area of ground around him. 

The shooter in the Aurora, CO movie theater shootings?  Another mentally ill individual.  I hope this bastard burns seven times seven times in Hell for what he did.

See a common thread here?

Ever notice that the cities with the strictest gun control laws are the ones with the highest rates of gun crimes?  Ever notice most of the sick bastards who go on shooting sprees end up eating their own gun?  Ever notice that criminals will always find a way to get whatever guns they want?  Evil people exist in this world.  It is a fact of life.  In today's world the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.  This is also a fact.

However, our illustrious leaders in Congress have decided to ban guns that look scary along with magazines that hold more than a yet to be determined number of rounds.   What Her Majesty, Senator Dianne Feinstein is preparing to do is to try to ban guns based solely on cosmetic factors.  IF a gun look scary, it has to be banned.  There is no rational thought here, just a "Do Something" mentality.  What they want to do is disarm honest, law abiding American citizens.

Why not focus on enforcing the myriad of gun laws already on the books in every state across the fruited plains of America?  Why allow prosecutors to plea bargain away mandatory sentencing statutes?  Why not allow mental health professionals share information with law enforcement, so that freakin' diagnosed nut jobs cannot buy guns legally?  Why not crack down on "Straw" purchases?

Why Not?  Because THAT would make fucking sense, and politicians do not have any common sense.  Using common sense would not be politically expedient in a "Do Something" environment.

Now we are hearing our glorious Veep saying that gun control may come by way of Executive Order.  Screw Congress, Obama will do by Executive Order what Joe Biden's "Panel" recommends.  What Joe Biden's Panel will recommend is what The Anointed One has told him to recommend.

What we are witnessing right now is Gun Control kabuki theater.  Nothing more, nothing less.  Obama has already set forth what the recommendations will be.  The rest is 100% pure, unadulterated bullshit.  Of course the mainstream media is right there with his excellency, selling his snake oil for him.

What Americans need to realize is that this may very well be a seminal moment in the history of the United States.  A disarmed public can only mean that the government can and will do whatever it damn well pleases.  Of course, a "Disarmed" public refers only to the honest, law abiding sheep who will turn over their guns because the government says they will be protected, and safe if they do so.  Additionally, we all know that every criminal will turn in their guns too.  Then all we have to worry about are the Mexican drug cartels that the Obama administration armed, and of course the government itself.  Personally, I'd prefer taking my chances with the cartels.  At least we know where they're coming from.

As for those who stand up for our Second Amendment rights, well, I guess we'll be outlaws.


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