It Is STILL Bush's Fault

Twelve months into the Marxist regime of Barrack Hussein Obama, everything that has happened, is happening and will happen is the fault of George W. Bush. NOTHING is Obama's fault. And he has a lot of help. Watching him talk down to the American people, notice how he continuously looked down his nose, publicly rebuke the Justices of the US Supreme Court, and repeat the same old lies and lines that got him elected made me realize again what a sham this guy is.

Queen Nancy Pelosi spent most of the night wearing that smug, condescending smirk and jumping up and down. If the teleprompter paused, she jumped up and applauded. Poor Joe Biden, who often gave her a look of disgust, had to stand too. If Obama paused when the teleprompter inserted a comma, Queen Nancy jumped up and applauded. If Obama blamed Bush, which he spent most of the night doing, Queen Nancy jumped up and applauded. Bet she's tired this morning.

Let us not forget that Obama does not hire lobbyists. Yeah right. He wants even more transparency. Don't hold your breath on that one. He continues to want to spend us into oblivion all the while taxing us to death and selling this Country down the drain.

2010 is a pivotal year for this country. If you are registered, get out and vote. Take a friend. Let's clean out the House, all 435 of them, and elect people who truly represent what Americans want. Lets get rid of one-third of the US Senate and replace them with people who understand America and her traditional, conservative values. If you are not a registered voter, get registered and then vote.

We cannot afford more hope and change. Wake up America, before it really is too late.


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