What will I do?

America today is at a crossroads.  The country is being successfully divided by the far left wing liberals and the ever complicit mainstream media.  The country is being divided on racial and economic lines as a beginning.  Add into that equation the divide over same sex rights and abortion among other things and you can readily see a fractionalized country.  Throw in the never ending battle of the left against American's constitutionally guaranteed right to keep and bear arms and you have the makings of a big fight.  The news media feeds America a steady stream of propaganda aimed at creating an acceptance that a failed America is a good America, and that government can solve every problem.  Big Brother has become all knowing and our friend.  Big government is good government, and Barack Obama's government is the solution to all of America's problems.  True Americans are being labeled as racists and haters.  Those of us who love America are scorned by the media and vilified by the left.  True Americans are being made out as the enemy by this administration and it's media lap dogs.

Nikita Khrushchev said in the late 1950's and early 1960's that Americans would never accept Communism in one bite, but that fed bits of socialism here and there, we would wake up one day and discover that we are a Communist nation.  He also said that our children's children would live in a Communist society.  He was talking about my grand children, who are growing up in possibly the last vestiges of a free America.  Khrushchev was right.   The undisputed goal of Barack Obama and his administration is to put the finishing touches of making America a Communist nation.  Obama is doing everything he can to make this come true, and Congress is doing absolutely nothing to stop him.  In fact, most of Congress is a willing partner.

Where do I stand on this?  I told my wife that I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution.  As a professional law enforcement officer, I spent my entire career running towards the gunfire instead of away from it.  God blessed and protected me to the point where I could retire.  My oath did not expire when I retired.  I fully intend to honor that oath.  Completely.  Period.  That is who I am.  That is what I spent the better portion of my adult life doing.  While some say "I bleed blue", I contend that I bleed Red, White and Blue.  I will protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America from all enemies, foreign and domestic.  So help me God.


Molon Labe

God Bless America


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