Justice has been done people, now move along.
Nothing to see here.

The trial of George Zimmerman is over.  Zimmerman was charged by a special prosecutor in Florida, solely on political and racial grounds, after the District Attorney and local law enforcement decided that there was insufficient evidence to prosecute.  Zimmerman cooperated fully with law enforcement from day one.  Zimmerman has been found "Not Guilty" by a jury.  Now, let me add something here.  As a person who spent 32 years in law enforcement, there is a big difference between Not Guilty and Innocent.  The jury said not guilty.

People from the President of the United States ("If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon"), to well known race baiters, the liberal media, rabble rousers and just plain racists made this unfortunate incident a racial matter.  Of course, the liberal mainstream media hyped this like it was worse than the Holocaust.                 

These same race baiters, the Rev. Al Sharpton, the Rev. Jesse Jackson and others who call Obama "Black" are calling George Zimmerman "White".  It's a convenient "truth" for them, and it serves their racist purposes.

Fact - Obama is biracial (Father Black, Mother White)
Fact - Zimmerman's Mother is Hispanic, his Father is White

Needless to say, these bigots are making up "facts" to suit their purposes.

It is indeed sad that criminal prosecutions of individuals are brought only because of pressure from social and racist entities.  I was always taught that prosecutions are brought only upon probable cause.

That is all.  Move along now.  Nothing to see here.


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