November 2nd is Election Day

The 2010 mid term elections are fast approaching.

Take a minute and think about how we got to where we are now.  Some people blame the Democrats.  I agree with them.  Some people blame the Republicans.  I agree with them too.  However, I blame the American people the most. 

We are where we are now because we the people for too many years have elected and re-elected the same politicians simply because they were our elected officials.  We had become complacent, and failed to hold our elected officials accountable to do the jobs we elected them to do.  We did not hold their feet to the fire to get the work done to benefit our country, our states and our communities.  Sometimes people simply did not vote because they didn’t care.  Then, our elected officials legislated enormous debt, engaged in outrageous spending and have wreaked mayhem upon our country simply to benefit their own agenda.             

We have career politicians who feel entitled to their positions.  They have become self serving, arrogant, irresponsible, disconnected from the people that elected them, and in more than one instance, corrupt.  They have forgotten that they work for us.

Washington has passed legislation that has been opposed by a majority of the American people.  They have refused to hear our message, or have chosen to ignore it.  Now, they tell the people who depend on Social Security they will not get an increase for the second consecutive year.  I am willing to bet that our elected officials got their pay raises though.

They (Congress) have failed to pass a fiscal year 2011 budget.  Is that not one of their responsibilities?  Guess we’ll have to wait for the lame duck to quack.

They (Congress) have failed to secure our borders.  Some parts of our country are now off limits to American citizens.  Really?  Parts of sovereign American soil off limits to US citizens?  This is not a new issue; it goes back many years because neither party has the guts to do the right thing and secure our national borders.  Let me state for the record, I support immigration when it is done according to the law.

They (Congress) are spending money like there is no tomorrow.  Anyone remember the double digit inflation of the late 70’s?  Guess what, it will re-visit us again and it is not going to be pretty.  Need more money?  No problem, we will just print more, or borrow more from China.  Just in case you did not know, or have forgotten:  No country has ever spent is way out of debt.

They (Congress) have increased the national debt to a point where my grandchildren will not be able to pay it off. 

They (Congress and this administration) have increased the size and scope of government far beyond what the founding fathers intended in the Constitution. 

They (government) have shredded the Constitution in their zeal to be politically correct or to cater to vocal minorities and special interests.

We, the People have a chance to send a strong message to the career politicians who have failed miserably in their duties.  You are out of here! 

We, the People have an opportunity to elect new representatives with one mandate:  Do your job.  We will hold you accountable and watch what you do and if you fail, you too will be gone at the end of your term.

We can no longer afford the insanity of doing the same over and over and expecting a different result.

The United States of America has a Constitution.  It has served us well over the years.  It is time to begin to follow it once again instead of bending, twisting and shredding it before it is too late.

On November 2nd, vote.  Do more than vote; hold your elected official accountable to do what their oath of office states in some form or fashion: “Protect and defend the Constitution”. 


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