US Government Surrenders

Our United States Government has surrendered to Mexican invaders. The Federal government has closed part of Arizona to US CITIZENS. Our country - CLOSED to OUR citizens because of Mexican drug dealers and human traffickers.

Read the story here: You won't see this story in the mainstream media.

What the hell is happening here? Where is the President and what is he doing? Oh yeah, he's doing photo ops on the Gulf coast, pandering to labor unions and kissing ass for the Hispanic vote. Wait, he's also looking for someone's ass to kick.

Article I Section 8 of the Constitution of the United States states that the Federal government has a duty: "To provide for calling for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions."

Well folks, we are being invaded and the Federal Government has surrendered part of Arizona to the invaders. American citizens are being told to stay out of part of America because of invaders.

Now, does anyone still wonder why Arizona has taken matters into their own hands?

Let's put armed troops on our southern border. Lots of armed troops. Give them live ammo in unlimited supplies, Apache helicopters, A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft (Warthogs) and anything else they need to repel the invaders and secure our borders.



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