Medium Rare

As I type this I am wondering just how naive BHO, The Anointed One really is. He is deliberately weakening our defenses by limiting the use of nuclear weapons, even if we are attacked. Not only that, he is freakin' advertising to our enemies when we can and cannot use them.

If the United States is attacked by someone, let's say an Islamic extremist, oops, we can't say that anymore, I mean a terrorist. Damn, that word is taboo also. Well anyhow, if someone conducting their own Overseas Contingency Operation (formerly known as a Terrorist Attack) just happens to expose 500,000 to 1,000,000 American citizens to some chemical or biological agent which proves lethal beyond their expectations, America will NOT respond by turning those conducting said Overseas Contingency Operation (formerly known as a Terrorist Attack) into crispy critters via a handy dandy nuclear device delivered precisely to their front door via a made in the USA GPS guided delivery system.

Now don't get me wrong here. There is no way I want to see a nuclear war, but if someone attacks us and causes casualties numbering a million or so, we NEED to eliminate the attackers, and eliminate them with extreme prejudice.

Let us just suppose for a minute that Franklin Delano Roosevelt had announced to the world in 1939 that if someone attacked the United States that we would not respond with all available options. Wonder if we'd be speaking Japanese or German today.

The current occupant of the White House is a very dangerous individual. He is hell bent of destroying the United States of America that I grew up in. He is doing everything in his power to turn this great country into a socialist states where the people will be 100% dependent on the government for their every need.

Look around, it is already happening. He has taken over a large percentage of the banking industry. He has nationalized two thirds of the US auto industry. He has now taken control of ONE SIXTH of the US economy by nationalizing healthcare. And he wants more control. Lots more.

The next step is the European style Value Added Tax. Figure on adding 20 - 25 percent to the cost of everything you buy or use if this passes.

We are not done yet, but it certainly looks like we are getting dangerously close to medium rare.


Check this article on FOX News website:


  1. Your points are not congruent. All of these points are alarmist 'talking points' espoused by Fox News on a daily basis. There are huge leaps of illogical a la Glenn Beck. There are 'this isn't the country I grew up in' claims similar to Bill O'Reilly, and the tones of 'danger' presented by Sean Hannity. It also smells of factual admissions in order to convey a bias point of view that is mainstream media(which Fox is VERY much a part of).

    And, how exactly would one use nuclear weapons against an extremist? Do we bomb their country?


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